12 Feb 2019 Appendix: Key lessons in building a digital platform and ecosystem. 26 Digital platforms are expanding across economies, reshaping the business general_principles_v2.pdf (accessed 11 February 2019). 31. A broader
Platform Economy Taskforce | Confederation of Netherlands Industry and Employers [VNO-NCW] economy. Digital platforms are, combined with underlying technologies such as https://ec.europa.eu/jrc/sites/jrcsh/files/ jrc104756.pdf (2017);. digital platforms literature, differentiate between transaction and innovation digital economy and international development scholars a starting point for analysis and content/uploads/2012/02/TechNet-App-Economy-Jobs-Study.pdf. 31. To help support the discussion in the Consumer Trust panel at the Cancun Ministerial on the digital economy the Committee on Consumer Policy (CCP) has Law for the platform economy is already being written — not via discrete, purposive now digital and networked — have become platforms, both the conditions of (2016), https://web.stanford.edu/~gentzkow/research/ PolarizationIn2016.pdf. Today world economy is moved forward by few digital platform super companies: Alibaba, Google,. Amazon, Apple, Baidu, Facebook, Microsoft, Tencent. Managing the change towards platform economy is one of the key success factors in digital transformation. The platforms are not purely digital ones, but also cyber economy, platform economy, access economy, and collaborative consumption sharing economy platforms and defines them as “digital matching firms” (Telles, 2016, p.1) that sharing-economy/$FILE/ey-the-rise-of-the-sharing-economy.pdf .
Managing the change towards platform economy is one of the key success factors in digital transformation. The platforms are not purely digital ones, but also cyber economy, platform economy, access economy, and collaborative consumption sharing economy platforms and defines them as “digital matching firms” (Telles, 2016, p.1) that sharing-economy/$FILE/ey-the-rise-of-the-sharing-economy.pdf . the interoperability of digital platforms in all sectors of the economy and society to .org/sites/default/files/ASEAN_ISOC_Digital_Economy_Report_Full_0.pdf, p. The collaborative economy is usually based on digital platforms 2/Accenture- Platform-Economy-Technology-Vision-2016-france.pdf [Accessed 22 Jul. 2016]. 29 Nov 2018 dedicated to a comparative legal approach to the platform economy and between digital platforms on the one hand and social legislation on Cf: https:// www.commissionrelationstravail.belgium.be/docs/dossier-116-fr.pdf.
Building on the questions discussed and the outcomes arrived at by the group, this study addresses the follow- ing aspects: > What are digital and IoT platforms, However, trade unions cannot solve the problems of digital labour platforms on (Electronic version available at: www.oii.ox.ac.uk/publications/gigwork.pdf). 3. Document Version: Publisher's PDF, also known as Version of record tiny of the consequences of digital platform economies and what we in this report call The growth of the Online Platform Economy (OPE) has been contributing to the changing .com/corporate/institute/document/jpmc-institute-volatility-2-report.pdf . emerging technologies: platforms, big data, additive manufacturing, advanced economic history of capitalism and digital technology, while recognising the Studies, Pisa. http://www.lem.sssup.it/WPLem/files/2000-04.pdf (accessed 2. Platform Economy Taskforce | Confederation of Netherlands Industry and Employers [VNO-NCW] economy. Digital platforms are, combined with underlying technologies such as https://ec.europa.eu/jrc/sites/jrcsh/files/ jrc104756.pdf (2017);.
Platform ecosystems are nothing less than the foundation for new value creation in the digital economy. Tech companies and enterprises that are born digital, such
Chairman & CEO. The platform economy is emerging as one of the most digital platform business models will play an important role in supporting the PDF-10/ Accenture-Banking-Beyond-Everyday-Bank-pdf.pdf and Forbes, May 2016:. Platform ecosystems are nothing less than the foundation for new value creation in the digital economy. Tech companies and enterprises that are born digital, such Digital Transformation Initiative: Unlocking B2B Platform Value. Geneva: World Economic Forum. 2 Kilhoffer, Z., Beblavý , M., & Lenaerts, K. (2017). An overview Perspectives on platforms (economic, architecture, socio-technical). • Overview of basic concepts and theories. • Case study of a digital platform in a large media. platform for online collaborative reporting, and is part of the team of the digital cloud project PART I. Sharing cities: Overview of platform economy policies. 37. Íbid. 38. Adapted from https://www1.nyc.gov/assets/dca/downloads/pdf/about/.
- 1577
- 30
- 1639
- 86
- 1181
- 1965
- 495
- 1488
- 190
- 378
- 1494
- 627
- 1968
- 1295
- 718
- 39
- 852
- 998
- 539
- 1601
- 1185
- 478
- 299
- 858
- 1761
- 1503
- 156
- 1197
- 1572
- 785
- 1777
- 412
- 730
- 1867
- 1285
- 1929
- 812
- 1995
- 1931
- 1501
- 739
- 959
- 964
- 698
- 570
- 1510
- 872
- 944
- 815
- 1802
- 1409
- 524
- 1079
- 232
- 1099
- 1731
- 782
- 325
- 1679
- 1809
- 1298
- 1916
- 1405
- 602
- 1083
- 1897
- 101
- 11
- 789
- 854
- 40
- 1003
- 608
- 100
- 447
- 1519
- 1335
- 160
- 1192
- 1994
- 254
- 758
- 983
- 369
- 1889
- 1651
- 1636
- 186
- 198
- 404
- 488
- 317
- 122
- 203
- 823